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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 25 Oct 1994

Vol. 446 No. 3

Written Answers. - Social Welfare Fraud.

Eric J. Byrne


121 Mr. E. Byrne asked the Minister for Social Welfare the total estimated level of social welfare fraud in 1993 and 1994; the total number of cases of social welfare fraud prosecuted in the courts; the number of convictions obtained; and the total amount in respect of which prosecutions were initiated. [1956/94]

My Department has a range of activities underway as part of its ongoing drive against fraud, abuse and unwarranted recourse of social welfare. These activities, involving over 500 staff, will save the taxpayer over £100 million this year. A study of fraud and abuse in unemployment and disability benefit payments carried out some years ago by consultants on behalf of my Department estimated that some 2 per cent of unemployment payments and 1 per cent of disability payments were fraudulently claimed. A subsequent study on the same basis by my Department indicated that these levels had decreased.

The total value of overpayments attributed to fraud or suspected fraud for 1993 was £9.1 million and the figure for 1994, to date, is £7.8 million.

The total number of fraud prosecutions finalised in the courts, and for which convictions were obtained, in 1993 and 1994 to date, is given below:



Total prosecuted



Total convicted



** An amnesty from prosecution applied from June 1993 to January 1994. Almost 600 availed of this amnesty.
The total value of the overpayments in these cases was £173,137 for 1993, and £105,884 for 1994.