It is proposed to take Nos. 17, 18, 19 and Nos. 4-12, Nos. 4-12 to be taken at 3.50 p.m. and the order shall resume thereafter.It is also proposed, notwithstanding anything in Standing Orders, that; (1) That the following arrangements shall apply in relation to the debate on Nos. 4-12; (i) the motions shall be moved and debated together and decided by one question which shall be put from the Chair not later than 6.45 p.m.; (ii) the speech of each Member called upon shall not exceed 20 minutes; (iii) Members may share time; and (iv) a Minister or Minister of State shall be called upon not later than 6.30 p.m. to make a speech in reply. (2) Private Members' Business shall be No. 23 and the proceedings thereon shall be brought to a conclusion at 8.30 p.m.
Order of Business.
There are two matters to put to the House. Are the proposals for dealing with Nos. 4 to 12, inclusive, satisfactory? Agreed. Is the proposal to terminate Private Members' Business at 8.30 p.m. satisfactory? Agreed.
Has the Government decided what allowances the chairmen of the new committees will receive? Unlike the other standing committees of the House, three of the new committees will run for the lifetime of the Government.Before debating the issue will the Minister set out the terms under which they have been set up? Are they similar to those which apply to the other 13 committees of the House?
It is my understanding that those detailed matters have yet to be decided and will be decided in consultation with the Whips.
What about the backbenchers?
Does the Government intend to bring before the House the terms set down by the Cabinet recently for the awarding of a second national mobile telephone network licence which is due within days?
It is clear to the Chair, and most probably to the Deputy, that the matter to which he is adverting is not appropriate to the Order of Business.
This is a serious policy issue.
The Deputy will find an opportunity of dealing with it in a proper manner in accordance with the rules of the House.
Does the Government intend making time available to discuss the report of the sub-committee of the Select Committee on Legislation and Security which was published yesterday?
That can be dealt with in another way.
Has the Minister for Enterprise and Employment considered the report of the consultants on the knitwear division of Sunbeam? Is the Minister in a position to make a statement on the future of that plant to those of us who represent the constituency in which it is located?
That is not in order now and the Deputy is aware of that. I will be glad to facilitate her in raising the matter formally.
Is it intended to introduce emergency legislation to provide compensation for those whose houses have been flooded for the past six weeks?
The matter of flooding has been dealt with repeatedly in the House in recent weeks.
Has legislation been positively promised in this area?
Yes, it has.
The matter has been raised many times in the House.
There is a sea of confusion.
It is my understanding that the Government has promised to amend the Arterial Drainage Act, 1945.
I know, Sir, your patience has been tested——
——but areas are still flooded. People are suffering as some areas are still under 20 feet of water.
That may be so, but I am merely asking that the matter be dealt with properly.
I again confirm to the House that the Government will bring in amending legislation.
As soon as possible. However, we cannot retrospectively remove the flooding.
There was rain before the rainbow.
When can we expect the publication of the White Paper on Education which is inextricably bound up with promised legislation, the Education Bill?
Does this relate to promised legislation? A White Paper is not promised legislation.
I will respond, if I am in order. The White Paper is in the course of preparation and we hope to publish it later this year.
That is more than Fianna Fáil did.
When is it expected to bring forward the Domestic Violence Bill?
It is in the course of preparation and will be introduced later this session.
On the taking of the motions to increase the number of committees of the House to 17, will there be paid chairmanships for the extra four committees being set up? I believe that goes to the root of their formation. It is in the public interest, and it is not a private matter for the Whips, that that key question be answered as to whether these committees are being formed specifically to allow for paid chairmanships for disappointed backbenchers.
The leftovers are getting them.
These matters are to be debated this very day. I now call on Deputy John O'Donoghue to move the First Stage of his Private Members' Bill, the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) (No. 2) Bill, 1995.