Joint Committee on Commercial State-sponsored Bodies
That the Orders of Reference of the Joint Committee on Commercial State-sponsored Bodies be amended by the addition of the following paragraphs after paragraph (9):
(10) That all appointees to high office in the State shall attend meetings of the Joint Committee, as appropriate, and subject to the legal constraints of their office, to discuss issues which are relevant to the matters comprehended by paragraph (1).
(11) That Ministers and Ministers of State shall appear before the Joint Committee to discuss current policies relevant to the matters comprehended by paragraph (1) and the implementation of such policies in their Departments. A Minister or Minister of State may request the Joint Committee to convene to enable him or her to explain current or proposed policy or to initiate a debate thereon.
(12) That in the absence from a particular meeting of the Joint Committee of a member who is a Member of Dáil Éireann, another Member of Dáil Éireann nominated by the Party or group within the meaning of Standing Order 90 to which the absent member belongs may take part in the proceedings and vote in his or her stead: Provided that in the case of a substitute nominated by a Party which is a Government Party, such substitute may be a Member of another Government Party.
(13) That Members of Dáil Éireann, not being members of the Joint Committee, may attend meetings and take part in the proceedings of the Joint Committee without having a right to vote.'."