Limerick East): Only infectious diseases, which are specified in the Infectious Diseases Regulations, 1981, are notifiable to the health boards and to my Department. The diseases listed in the schedule to the Infectious Diseases Regulations, 1981, are those caused by pathogenic organisms which are transmissible to humans and have the capacity to spread quickly and widly through the community. The objective of the Infectious Diseases Regulations and the schedule of diseases is to enable public health authorities to quickly identify outbreaks and take measures to prevent the further spread of these diseases.Asthma cannot be considered in this category and has causative factors other than transmissible organisms.
The reasons for the prevalence of asthma internationally are as yet poorly understood but much research is in progress to try and elucidate the underlying factors. The establishment of the new public health departments in the health boards with their emphasis on epidemiology will greatly improve the level of information on the evidence of morbidity on all diseases and conditions in each local area, including that on asthma.
In conjunction with the Asthma Society of Ireland my Department is endeavouring to increase awareness and understanding of the disease among the public. The most modern and effective preventive and curative agents for the disease are available in this country.