Limerick East): As far as the preparation of legislation in this area is concerned, the previous Government took a decision that priority should be given to the drafting of the Bill on the regulation of information on abortion services outside the State and this Bill has now been published.
No legislative proposals have been drafted in relation to the substantive issue. I understand that my colleague, the former Minister for Health, had discussions on the general issue with the Medical Council and that he received both formal submissions and informal advice from a number of relevant interests and individuals. I also understand that these consultations served to highlight the very great complexity of the issue. This complexity relates not only to the framing of any legislation, but also to the interpretation of the consitutional position as it now stands.
For that reason, I have already stated publicly that I do not believe it would be productive to attempt to bring forward any legislation on the substantive issue in advance of the Constitutional review which is due to begin shortly. This review will cover all aspects of the Constitution, other than Articles 2, 3 and 41 which are the subject of separate consultation.