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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 14 Mar 1995

Vol. 450 No. 6

Written Answers. - Illegal Drugs.

Kathleen Lynch


45 Kathleen Lynch asked the Minister for Justice if her attention has been drawn to concerns regarding the widespread supply and consumption of illegal drugs at rave discos; the proposals, if any, she has to combat this; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [5291/95]

I am well aware of the concerns expressed regarding the supply and consumption of controlled substances, especially the drug commonly known as ecstasy, at so-called rave discos. In this regard, I am informed by the Garda that they are very alert to the dangers of this drug, which first appeared in Ireland in 1991, and that they are taking all appropriate measures to counter its use. These measures include the monitoring and surveillance of events which attract a teenage following and where substances of this kind may be available.

I understand that these measures are proving effective and that they have resulted in a number of significant seizures being made. In 1994, for instance, 12,000 tablets of the drug were seized by the Garda. This compares with 2,014 tablets seized in 1993.

It goes without saying, of course, that those who organise and profit from these discos and the parents of children who attend them carry a major responsibility also.

It is not good enough for any of us, as parents, simply to hope that the authorities will be able to protect each and every child who attends a rave disco.
