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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 5 Oct 1995

Vol. 456 No. 5

Written Answers. - Disability Funding.

Mary Wallace


59 Miss M. Wallace asked the Minister for Health the level and nature of funding provided by his Department and bodies under the aegis of his Department for information, support and counselling services for people with disabilities and their families. [14200/95]

Limerick East): Funding to organisations providing services to people with disabilities is provided by my Department either directly to the organisations or through the health boards. All of these organisations provide information, counselling and support services as an integral part of their overall service to people with disabilities. Health boards also provide such services to people with disabilities and their families through a range of community based support services, i.e. income maintenance, home help, public health nursing, technical aids, therapy services etc. It is not possible to separate the amount of funding which is devoted to such services. The Health Promotion Unit of my Department also provides funding for information leaflets for organisations representing people with disabilities.

In addition funding is provided by my Department to the umbrella organisations, viz, Disability Federation of Ireland, National Association of Mentally Handicapped of Ireland and the Mental Health Association of Ireland. An essential part of their services involves the provision of information to people with disabilities.
