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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 21 Nov 1995

Vol. 458 No. 5

Written Answers. - Measure to Deal with Assault.

Trevor Sargent


153 Mr. Sargent asked the Minister for Justice if she will introduce an interim measure to deal with assault causing actual bodily harm. [17286/95]

It is not clear from the question what precisely the Deputy has in mind. However, the following information may be of assistance: It is an offence under section 47 of the Offences Against the Person Act, 1861 for one person to assault another causing him actual bodily harm. In 1994 the Law Reform Commission issued its report on non-fatal offences against the person which recommended the repeal and replacement of sections of the 1861 Act dealing with non-fatal offences against the person. My Department is currently preparing draft legislative proposals based on the report. If the Deputy has any views on the matter he can, of course, write to me and I can assure him that they will be considered along with the other issues which arise.
