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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 29 Nov 1995

Vol. 459 No. 1

Written Answers. - Interdepartmental Committees.

Ivor Callely


65 Mr. Callely asked the Taoiseach the number of interdepartmental committees that have been established; their membership; their terms of reference-brief; the progress, if any, of each committee to date; the targets set; the timescale associated with these targets; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17976/95]

There are at present eight interdepartmental committees established under this Department and the information sought by the Deputy in relation to these is contained in the following schedule.

Interdepartmental Committees — Department of the Taoiseach

1. European Co-ordination Committee

Membership (20)

(1) Mr. Gay Mitchell T.D. (Chairperson)

Minister of State for European Affairs

(2) Mr. Maurice Cashell

Department of Enterprise & Employment

(4) Mr. Richard Godfrey

Office of the Tánaiste

(4) Mr. Bart Brady

Department of Agriculture, Food & Forestry

(5) Mr. Noel Fahey

Department of Foreign Affairs

(6) Mr. Phelim Molloy

Department of Finance

(7) Mr. Tom Ferris

Department of Transport, Energy & Communications

(8) Mr. Dermot Cole

Department of Justice

(9) Ambassasor Denis O'Leary

Permanent Representative, Brussels

(10) Mr. Denis Crowley

Department of Social Welfare

(11) Mr. S. O'Cofaigh

Department of Arts, Culture & the Gaeltacht

(12) Ms. Margaret O'Connor

Department of Equality & Law Reform

(13) Mr. Jim Humphreys

Department of the Environment

(14) Ms. Sylvia Kelly

Department of Health

(15) Mr. Kieran McCann

Department of the Marine

(16) Mr. Pat Dowling

Department of Education

(17) Mr. John Walsh

Department of Tourism and Trade

(18) Mr. Aidan Dunning

Department of the Taoiseach

(19) Mr. Dermot McCarthy

Department of the Taoiseach

(20) Mr. Tom Bolster (Secretary)

Department of the Taoiseach

This Committee meets approximately every month. It oversees the formulation and implementation of Irish policy on major European issues and as such deals with an ongoing agenda. Key issues currently being dealt with by the Committee include preparations for Ireland's Presidency of the EU and the 1996 Inter-Governmental Conference.
2. Co-ordinating Committee on Island Development
Membership (16)

(1) Mr. Donel Carey T.D. (Chairperson)

Minister of State for Western Development

(2) Mr. Tony Burke

Department of Agriculture, Food & Forestry

(3) Ms. Margaret Harrington

Department of Defence

(4) Mr. Eoghan O'Conaill

Department of Arts, Culture & the Gaeltacht

(5) Mr. Eddie Ward

Department of Education

(6) Mr. John Rutledge

Department of Enterprise & Employment

(7) Ms. Anne Costello

Department of the Environment

(8) Mr. Patrick Wylie

Department of Equality & Law Reform

(9) Mr. Graham Swarbrigg

Department of Finance

(10) Mr. Alan Aylward

Department of Health

(11) Mr. Declan Doyle

Department of the Marine

(12) Mr. Déaglán O'Brien

Department of Social Welfare

(13) Ms. Mary Doyle

Department of the Taoiseach

(14) Mr. Richard Holland

Department of the Taoiseach

(15) Ms. Colette Tuite-Gallagher

Department of Tourism & Trade

(16) Mr. Aidan Byrne

Department of Transport, Energy & Communications

The Committee's terms of reference are:
to review and prioritise development strategies and recommend actions to ensure a co-ordinated approach to all aspects of island development, including the question of structural relationships.
The Committee is currently finalising its report prior to presentation to Government.
3. Strategic Management Initiative Co-ordinating Group of Secretaries
Membership (9)

(1) Mr Paddy Teahon (Chairperson)

Department of the Taoiseach

(2) Mr. Kevin Bonner

Department of Enterprise and Employment

(3) Mr. Brendan O'Donoghue

Department of the Environment

(4) Mr. Michael Dowling

Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry

(5) Mr. John Hurley

Department of Finance

(6) Mr. Eddie McCumiskey

Department of Social Welfare

(7) Mr. Cathal McDomhnaill

Office of the Revenue Commissioners

(8) Ms. Julie O'Neill

Office of the Tánaiste

(9) Mr. Don Thornhill

Department of Education

The Group had the following terms of reference:
(i) to consider the development of a strategic management process in the Irish Public Service and to make recommendations to Government on any changes — legislative or otherwise — which are required to enable individual Secretaries to manage more efficiently and effectively, given the conflicting requirements of control and responsibility;
(ii) to facilitate the preparation of strategy statements at the individual departmental level and across Departments in an overall national strategy for the Public Service; and
(iii) to oversee the allocation of a fund to assist departments to acquire expertise in strategic planning and organisation development.
The Group submitted its first report to Government in February 1995. This report provided an update on progress in the SMI at departmental level and also set down an outline of possible management changes. Following consideration of the first report, the Government on 2 March 1995 mandated the Group to:
(a) review existing systems for making decisions, allocating responsibility and ensuring accountability in the Civil Service; and
(b) bring forward for Government consideration, by end-June 1995, proposals for an integrated programme to modernise the systems and practices in question and for the consequent modernisation of existing personnel and financial management in the Civil Service.
The Co-ordinating Group has now formulated its proposals on these issues and will shortly submit them to Government in the form of its second report.
4. IFSC—Long Term Review Group
Membership (7)

(1) Mr. Gay Mitchell, T.D. (Chairperson)

Department of the Taoiseach

(2) Mr. Don Bergin

Department of Finance

(3) Mr. Gary Davis

Department of the Taoiseach

(4) Mr. Jim Farrell

National Treasury Management Agency

(5) Mr. Kieran McGowan

IDA Ireland

(6) Mr. Donagh Morgan

Department of the Taoiseach

(7) Mr. Michael Tutty

Department of Finance

The mission statement of the Group is:
"To ensure the continuing success of the IFSC"
The Group is focusing on the structures, legislative and regulatory, which are needed to maintain a pro-business environment and our competitive position. It is also monitoring developments within the European Union, especially at Commission level in respect of draft Directives and other proposals.
The Group has had three meetings and its work will be ongoing.
5. IFSC—Public Sector Co-ordination Group
Membership (8)

(1) Ms Muriel Hinch

Office of the Revenue Commissioners

(2) Mr. Garret Murphy

Central Bank of Ireland

(3) Mr. Gus MacAmhlaigh

Custom House Docks Development Authority

(4) Mr. Donagh Morgan

Department of the Taoiseach

(5) Mr. Philip Kelly

Department of the Taoiseach

(6) Mr. Jim O'Brien

Department of Finance

(7) Mr. Pat Houlihan

Department of Enterprise & Employment

(8) Mr. Brendan Logue

IDA Ireland

The Committee's terms of reference are:
to co-ordinate Government policy in relation to IFSC issues.
This Group was established very recently and its work will be ongoing.
6. Interdepartmental Strategy Group on Employment & Unemployment:
Membership (8)
Membership of this Group varies from time to time. However, the Departments/Offices which have been involved to date are as follows:
(1) Department of the Taoiseach (Chair)
(2) Office of the Tánaiste
(3) Department of Finance
(4) Department of Enterprise & Employment
(5) Department of Social Welfare
(6) Department of Education
(7) Department of Health
(8) Central Statistics Office
The Government has instructed this group of officials, across relevant Government Departments, to examine issues relating to employment and unemployment, especially long-term unemployment.
The group has been asked to report to Government or a regular basis.
7. Interdepartmental Policy Committee on Local Development
Membership (22)

(1) Mr. Dermot McCarthy (Chairperson)

Department of the Taoiseach

(2) Mr. Colm Desmond

Department of Finance

(3) Mr. Oliver Cussen

Department of Education

(4) Mr. P. Dowling

Department of Education

(5) Mr. Sean McCartan

Department of Tourism and Trade

(6) Mr. Paul Cullen

Department of Enterprise & Employment

(7) Mr. Séamus O Morain

Department of Enterprise & Employment

(8) Mr. Rody Molloy

Department of Enterprise & Employment

(9) Ms. Deirdre Carroll

Department of Social Welfare

(10) Mr. Denis O'Neill

Department of Justice

(11) Mr. John Fox

Department of Agriculture, Food & Forestry

(12) Ms. Julie O'Neill

Office of the Tánaiste

(13) Mr. Tom Costello


(14) Mr. Sean O'Cofaigh

Department of Arts, Culture & the Gaeltacht

(15) Mr. Hugh Frazer

Combat Poverty Agency

(16) Mr. Michael Corcoran

Department of Equality & Law Reform

(17) Dr. Tony Crooks

ADM Ltd.

(18) Mr. Finian Matthews

Department of the Environment

(19) Mr. Tony Burke

Department of Agriculture, Food & Forestry

(20) Mr. Phil Furlong

Department of Finance

(21) Mr. John O'Connor

Department of the Environment

(22) Mr. Pat Ryan

Department of Transport, Energy & Communications

The Interdepartmental Policy Committee on Local Development was established on foot of a Government decision on 15 June, 1993.
The role of the Committee is to promote awarenes of and commitment to the Local Development Programme among all public agencies.
It addresses issues of co-operation and co-ordination which cannot be resolved satisfactorily at a local level.
It provides a forum in which changes in national policy arising from or suggested by the operation of the programme can be discussed and evaluated and recommendations made to Government.
8. Interdepartmental Group on the Development of a National Anti-Poverty Strategy
Membership (22)

(1) Mr. Dermot McCarthy (Chairperson)

Department of the Taoiseach

(2) Mr. Oliver Cussen

Department of Education

(3) Mr. P. Dowling

Department of Education

(4) Mr. Sean McCartan

Department of Tourism and Trade

(5) Mr. Paul Cullen

Department of Enterprise & Employment

(6) Mr. Séamus O Morain

Department of Enterprise & Employment

(7) Mr. Rody Molloy

Department of Enterprise & Employment

(8) Ms. Deirdre Carroll

Department of Social Welfare

(9) Mr. Denis O'Neill

Department of Justice

(10) Mr. John Fox

Department of Agriculture, Food & Forestry

(11) Ms. Julie O'Neill

Office of the Tánaiste

(12) Mr. Tom Costello


(13) Mr. Sean O'Cofaigh

Department of Arts, Culture & the Gaeltacht

(14) Mr. Hugh Frazer

Combat Poverty Agency

(15) Mr. Michael Corcoran

Department of Equality & Law Reform

(16) Dr. Tony Crooks

ADM Ltd.

(17) Mr. Finian Matthews

Department of the Environment

(18) Mr. Tony Burke

Department of Agriculture, Food & Forestry

(19) Mr. Tadgh Tansley

Department of Health

(20) Mr. Joe Mooney

Department of Finance

(21) Mr. Sean O'Cuinn

Department of the Environment

(22) Mr. Niall O'Donnchu

Department of Transport, Energy & Communications

The Committees terms of reference are:
to prepare a statement which would set out in broad terms the nature and extent of poverty and social exclusion in Ireland.
To select key themes/policy areas which must be addressed if poverty and social exclusion are to be tackled and set specific targets within each theme against which progress can be addressed.
To recommend the type of institutional mechanisms and structures which should be put in place to ensure that the issue of reducing poverty and social exclusion is firmly on the agenda of all Government Departments and Agencies, that there is appropriate co-ordination across and between Departments of policy in this area and independent monitoring of progress.
The Committee will prepare a report, which will form part of the national report on the followup to the Copenhagen Summit for Social Development, to be completed by end 1996, to demonstrate national progress in implementing the UN commitment to eliminate absolute poverty in the developing world and to a substantial reduction of overall poverty and inequalities everywhere.