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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 29 Nov 1995

Vol. 459 No. 1

Written Answers. - School Transport.

Michael Smith


90 Mr. M. Smith asked the Minister for Education the steps, if any, she will take to improve the primary school transport arrangements for a family (details supplied) in County Tipperary. [17969/95]

The family in question resides 1.7 miles from the current pick-up point of a school transport service. To bring the pick-up point to within 0.5 miles of the home would involve extending the service at significant extra cost. Furthermore, such an extension would disimprove to an unacceptable level the service to post-primary pupils served by the same vehicle.

In view of the additional cost involved, and because of the inconvenience caused to other pupils, I regret that the extension being sought could not be justified.
