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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 7 Dec 1995

Vol. 459 No. 5

Written Answers. - Meánscoil Feirste Funding.

Martin Cullen


46 Mr. Cullen asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs the efforts, if any, he has made to secure permanent funding for Meánscoil Feirste in west Belfast. [18308/95]

On my instructions the problems faced by Meánscoil Feirste have been raised a number of times by the Irish side through the framework of the Anglo-Irish Intergovernmental Conference. I have myself visited the school. As I stated in a written reply on 18 October 1995, I raised the matter personally with the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Sir Patrick Mayhew, at the meeting of the Intergovernmental Conference on 17 October 1995.

While noting the provision of some moneys from the Making Belfast Work Programme, I urged the British side to look again at the criteria being applied in refusing normal grant funding to the Meánscoil. The Meánscoil is the only Irish language-medium secondary school available to the many pupils leaving such schools at primary level in the Belfast area. In these circumstances, I believe that a more flexible application of the existing criteria for actual enrolments is warranted and this view has been made clear to the British authorities.
My officials are in contact with the management of the Meánscoil and I can assure the Deputy that I will continue to press for adequate long-term funding from the Department of Education in Northern Ireland so that this school can be developed in a proper manner.