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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 7 Dec 1995

Vol. 459 No. 5

Written Answers. - Urlingford (Tipperary) Drugs Seizure.

Tom Kitt


79 Mr. T. Kitt asked the Minister for Justice if she will report on the recent drugs seizure in Urlingford, County Tipperary; the reason no arrests were made in view of the fact that this truck was under surveillance for some time; and the further developments, if any, there have been in this case. [18390/95]

Tony Gregory


81 Mr. Gregory asked the Minister for Justice if any arrests are pending following the recent discovery of a container of cannabis to the value of £150 million; if the ship from which the drugs were unloaded has been located; the action, if any, that will be taken in this regard; if the persons involved in the transport of the drugs to the location in which they were found are known to the gardaí; and if so, the reason no action has been taken against them. [18411/95]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 79 and 81. It is not the practice for the Minister for Justice to make statements to the House about the progress of individual Garda investigations except in singular instances where the circumstances of an investigation are so exceptional that such a course is deemed to be appropriate.

All I propose to say in this case is that I have been informed by the Garda authorities that the investigation is ongoing.
