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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 6 Feb 1996

Vol. 461 No. 1

Written Answers - Garda Training.

Noel Treacy


178 Mr. N. Treacy asked the Minister for Justice the main emphasis being placed in the training of student gardaí at the Garda college in Templemore, County Tipperary; the number of student gardaí currently being trained in Templemore; the duration of their training course; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [2399/96]

The main emphasis placed in the training of student gardaí is geared towards turning our gardaí who can competently fulfill their police role in contemporary Irish society and who have a base for adapting to meet the changing demands of that role as the needs of society continue to evolve throughout their service in the Garda Síochána.

The following table sets out the number of student gardaí currently under-going training in Templemore.

Phase No.



I (22 weeks)

Garda college


II (24 weeks)

In a station


III (12 weeks)

Garda college


IV (36 weeks)

In a station


V (6 weeks)

Garda college



The duration of the course is two years, consisting of five separate integrated phases. Phases I, III and V are conducted in the Garda college and phases II and IV are at selected stations throughout the country.