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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 7 Feb 1996

Vol. 461 No. 2

Written Answers. - Dublin Garda Deployment.

Tony Gregory


110 Mr. Gregory asked the Minister for Justice the response, if any, of the Garda to the increase in vandalism, car thefts and break-ins in the Oxmantown Road/Carnew Street area of Dublin 7; the resources, if any, that are available to the Bridewell Garda station, Dublin 7, to patrol the area on an effective basis; the number of gardaí available for foot patrol; and if she intends to make additional resources available in view of the concerns of local residents. [2673/96]

I am informed by the Garda authorities that the area in question is regularly patrolled by both foot and mobile patrols attached to the Bridewell Garda station, the present strength of which is 144 members (all ranks). The community policing unit is actively involved with the local community and receives the full co-operation of the vast majority of the residents. In addition, crime and vandalism in the area is targeted by the divisional task force unit. The area also receives attention from the divisional drugs unit.

The Garda authorities are satisfied that the area is receiving an adequate Garda service. In this regard, the situation regarding the deployment of gardaí is kept under continuous review.
