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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 8 Feb 1996

Vol. 461 No. 3

Written Answers. - Ministerial Photographs.

Dermot Ahern


51 Mr. D. Ahern asked the Minister for Finance the cost of the production of the ten inch by eight inch photograph which showed him with copy of his budget speech in his hand as he sat at a coffee table; the quantity produced; to whom they were sent; the number sent by special courier to editors of newspapers and other sections of the media; the overall cost of publicity in respect of the budget speech presentation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [2793/96]

To assist the main provincial newspapers in highlighting the articles they would carry on the budget, it was decided to provide them with the opportunity to use Budget Day photographs to accompany their stories. These newspapers were contacted and asked if they wanted a photograph. Only then was it dispatched to them by train or bus and not by special courier. They had to make their own arrangements to collect the photographs from the train stations-bus drop-off points respectively. This is contrary to the impression given in an article in one local newspaper in the Deputy's own constituency.

A total of 34 prints were produced and sent by train (27 packages) and bus (four packages) to the provincial papers. In addition, photographs were wired to the Financial Times, the Sunday Times and the London Independent. The total cost of the production and delivery of the photographs is £898.72 (excluding VAT).

The only other cost incurred by my Department in relation to publicity regarding the Budget Speech presentation was the employment of a technician in the Press Centre in Government Buildings for the usual evening Press briefing at a cost of £86.00 (excluding VAT).
