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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 20 Feb 1996

Vol. 461 No. 7

Written Answers. - Fisheries Surveillance.

Pat the Cope Gallagher


289 Mr. P. Gallagher (Donegal South West) asked the Minister for the Marine the EU allocation to Ireland for the new EU five year financial aid package for fisheries surveillance; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3554/96]

The EU Fisheries Council agreed in October 1995 to approve an overall financial package of some £168 million to facilitate further investment by member states in the five year period 1996-2000. The Council also agreed to ring fence an element of the overall budget which would uniquely be provided to Ireland to assist with the operating costs incurred in relation to fisheries surveillance in our waters.

Under the overall £156 million for capital investment in fisheries surveillance, Ireland is entitled to a higher rate of aid than the 35 per cent — 50 per cent range available to other member states. At this point there is no allocation of the overall capital investment budget to individual member states.
An indicative programme of broad expenditure proposals for the period covered by the package has been forwarded to the Commission. I shall be bringing specific proposals to Government very shortly with a view to getting approval to begin substantive negotiations with the Commission on the programme details. My objective is to secure the maximum EU rates of aid for the capital and operating resources identified as necessary to further enhance our fisheries surveillance programmes.