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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 27 Feb 1996

Vol. 462 No. 2

Written Answers. - Consultancy Appointments.

Ivor Callely


217 Mr. Callely asked the Minister for Tourism and Trade the brief and terms of reference for the consultancies as referred to in Parliamentary Question No. 130 of 13 December 1995; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4254/96]

The details requested by the Deputy are as follows:

The Arthur D. Little appointment was a follow-up to the company's earlier detailed review of Bord Fáilte. In November 1994 the then Minister, Deputy McCreevy, decided, and the Government agreed, to implement the recommendations of the review and to appoint a high level steering committee to oversee the implementation. The company was engaged to advise and assist the steering committee in this implementation process.

Indecon was appointed to provide the Department with advice on the development of a range of options for development of the national conference centre project.
KPMG was engaged to undertake a training needs analysis study on behalf of the Department. The company was asked to examine the Department's existing training activities, identify gaps between this training and the organisational needs of the Department and consequently design a training programme which would be implemented by the Department.
The University of Limerick study will not now be going ahead in the foreseeable future.