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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 28 Feb 1996

Vol. 462 No. 3

Written Answers. - Departmental Studies.

Ivor Callely


41 Mr. Callely asked the Minister for Finance the total number of studies undertaken by his Department or by an agency under the aegis of his Department; the number of matters that he or the Minister(s) of State at his Department have referred for study/ report/review to an expert group; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4387/96]

Since my appointment as Minister for Finance, my Department and the agencies under the aegis of my Department have initiated the following studies:

Studies undertaken in the Department of Finance

The Dublin Docklands Task Force.

Interdepartmental Committee on the Securitisation of Local Loans Fund.

Study on the Management of claims against the State for personal injury or property damage.

Report of the Inter Agency Task Force on Casinos.

Commission on Public Service Pensions.

Monitoring Group on Performance-related Pay in the Public Sector.

Business Expansion Scheme Review.

Cross Border Workers Interdepartmental Committee.

Urban Renewal Scheme Interdepartmental Committee.

Pension Fund Investment study in association with Irish Association of Investment managers.

Section 35 Film Relief (Primarily Arts, Culture and Gaeltacht).

Study on the Impact of Voluntary Severance and Early Retirement on the Exchequer's liability to the Telecom Éireann Pension Fund for provesting day service and an Analysis of the quantification of the impact.
Economic Study on the IFSC.
Study on the Economic implications for Ireland of Economic and Monetary Union.
Prior Appraisal Ireland/Northern Ireland INTERREG.
Prior Appraisal Ireland/Wales INTERREG.
Prior Appraisal Peace & Reconciliation Initiative.
Ireland/Northern Ireland INTERREG Projection Selection Matrix Criteria.
Two Studies concerning emerging Virtual Private Networking services.
INTERNET access study.
Information Dissemination in the Electronic Sphere study.
Network Design Study 2.
Studies undertaken by the Civil Service Commission
Job analysis of Administrative Officer Grade.
Job analysis of Third Secretary Grade.