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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 2 May 1996

Vol. 464 No. 8

Written Answers. - Naturalisation Applications.

Noel Treacy


64 Mr. N. Treacy asked the Minister for Justice the number of foreign nationals who have been granted citizenship in this country in each of the years from 1 December 1994, to 30 April 1996, under the special investment scheme; the names of persons granted citizenship; the countries of origin; the countries, if any, where they have other citizenship; the date on which an application was made in each case; the date on which sanction was granted in each case; the date on which they became citizens of this country; the date on which it was published in Irish Oifigiúil; the companies/projects in which they invested in Ireland; the reason this investment was necessary; the relevant State/semi-State organisation which recommended this investment; the amount of the investment in each case; the Minister/Minister of State who sponsored each individual; the name of the consultant/solicitor/accountant who handled each individual case; the name of the company/partners in which these individual solicitors/accountants/ consultants were employed; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [8984/96]

The Deputy's question is, in effect, 15 separate questions seeking detailed information on the operation of the investment-based naturalisation scheme. It has never been the practice to disclose the kind of detailed information sought by him. The scheme is operated as per the following terms of reference.

In the period 1 December 1994 to 30 April 1996, ten persons were naturalised on foot of applications which were processed in accordance with these terms of reference. A sum of £10.5 million was invested by them in areas of industries which included alcohol production, engineering, food processing, computer software, timber processing, energy production and fabric manufacturing. Six of these investors were naturalised in 1995 and the other four in 1996.
In addition, ten persons were naturalised in the same period as a result of applications which had been approved prior to the terms of reference etc. arrangements coming into force. A sum of £11.5 million was invested in total by these persons in the medical research, timber processing, shipping and mining areas. All ten of these persons were naturalised during 1995.
Details of all naturalisations are published inIrish Oifigiúil. Details of some of the above cases were published in 1995 and the remainder will be published during 1996.
Terms of Reference of Advisory Group on Investment-linked Naturalisation.
1. To consider applications of naturalisation based on investment in the State received by the Minister for Justice and referred to the Group and to make recommendations to the Minister based on the Group's assessment of the job-creating or job-maintenance capacity of the investment.
2. The Group will examine each application for naturalisation based on investment, with the assistance of evaluation/advice from relevant agencies where necessary and, in making their recommendations, will apply the following criteria:——
(a) Substantial residence must be purchased and retained in ownership for a period of at least 5 years with an undertaking to reside in the State for a minimum of 60 days in the 2 years following naturalisation.
(b) the level of investment must involve a net contribution of at least £1 million per applicant.
(c) Where the investment is in the form of a loan it shall be for a duration of at least 7 years at an interest rate not greater than 1 per cent below the representative Government bond yield on the secondary markets, or not greater than 1 per cent below DIBOR, whichever is lower. The loan shall be made by the applicant direct to the firm concerned, without involvement by any intermediary.
The loan arrangement shall be transparent and open to scrutiny and shall be such as to prevent the loan being factored or sold on. The loan shall not be secured by the assets of the company in which the investment is to be made.
(d) As ordinarily naturalisation would be for life, the duration of the investment should be for a significant period: at the very least 5 years.
(e) The number of jobs created or maintained must be readily quantifiable and arise from the investment only.
(f) Audited and certified confirmation of the investment to be available to the Group from an established auditing firm of accountants to the effect that the investment has taken place in accordance with the rules of the scheme for naturalisation.
(g) The investment will be monitored by Forfás to ensure that the conditions of the investment are being maintained and, in the event that they are not, will inform the Group who, in turn, will inform the Minister for Justice with a view to revocation of citizenship.
(h) Police certificate of character must be provided by authorities in country of origin (and, if required, from the Police in any country where the applicant has resided or carried on business or maintained substantial investments) together with express permission to the authorities in Ireland to enquire behind it.
(i) Annual certification by the established auditing firm of accountants to Forfás that the investment is being maintained for the appropriate period.