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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 6 Jun 1996

Vol. 466 No. 5

Written Answers. - Transport Subsidies.

Noel Treacy


52 Mr. N. Treacy asked the Minister for Health the amount of transport subsidies paid to Ireland since accession to the European Community on 1 January 1973, in respect of his Department, and the heads, sub-heads, votes and appropriations in aid in relation thereto and also in respect of the agencies under the aegis of his Department; the contribution, if any, which these subsidies have made to the mobility of people; the effects, if any, they have had on services; the economic advantage of these subsidies; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11845/96]

Limerick East): I am aware of one proposal to improve mobility of disabled and disadvantaged people which received EU funding relevant to my Department. In 1992-94 a proposal prepared by the inter-departmental Transport Accessibility Committee, which is chaired by the Department of Transport, Energy and Communications, to pilot a wheelchair accessible bus route in Dublin City Centre received funding totalling £209,000 under the HORIZON programme. The objectives of the HORIZON programme, which is administered by the National Rehabilitation Board, is to improve access to the labour market for disabled and disadvantaged people.
