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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 6 Jun 1996

Vol. 466 No. 5

Written Answers. - Allegations against Consultant.

Ivor Callely


68 Mr. Callely asked the Minister for Health the progress, if any, made regarding the request for a special inquiry into allegations made against a consultant in a hospital (details supplied); if he will give details of these allegations; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11744/96]

Limerick East): I have been informed that the hospital consultant referred to by the Deputy has resigned both components of his joint appointment including his position at the hospital referred to by the Deputy. The representative of the hospital who was appointed to investigate certain allegations against the consultant concerned in relation to his appointment at the hospital has informed me that there is now no basis for the holding of the inquiry requested by him in relation to these matters as the consultant has resigned his position at the hospital and has asked that I take no further steps in the matter and treat it as being at an end.

In light of this I do not propose to proceed with the setting up of an inquiry.

As I do not propose to establish a committee of inquiry I do not consider that it would be appropriate to provide any details of the allegations which were made against the consultant concerned.
