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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 26 Jun 1996

Vol. 467 No. 5

Written Answers. - Dental Service.

Eric J. Byrne


66 Mr. E. Byrne asked the Minister for Health if his attention has been drawn to the fact that persons suffering from hepatitis C are being denied dental treatment at their local health centres; the location, if any, at which persons who have this medical condition can get dental treatment, particularly emergency dental treatment; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [13759/96]

Limerick East): The purpose of the Health (Amendment) Bill, 1995, is to provide a statutory basis for the making available without charge of certain services to certain persons who have contracted hepatitis C Eligible persons are those who have contracted hepatitis C directly or indirectly from the use of human immunoglobulin, Anti-D, or the receipt within the State of another blood product or a blood transfusion. The services to be provided include dental services and dental appliances.

Last week the Bill passed all Stages in both Houses of the Oireachtas and I am now in a position to finalise negotiations with professional groupings to put in place the necessary administrative arrangements for the delivery of the health services set out in this Bill. I do not anticipate any undue delay in this regard. It is proposed in the Bill that eligible persons will enter the dental treatment service scheme (DTSS) as a new cohort and can access emergency dental treatment by attending the dentist of choice from the list of constractors (of which there are 600 nationwide) held by the health board.

My Department is not aware of any person with hepatitis C being denied dental treatment. If the Deputy has a particular case in mind and he will let me have the details I will investigate the matter and respond to the Deputy directly.