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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 10 Oct 1996

Vol. 469 No. 7

Written Answers. - Social Welfare Benefits.

Eric J. Byrne


145 Mr. E. Byrne asked the Minister for Social Welfare if he will address the difficulty being experienced by the relatively small number of male house parents whose spouses are working but who themselves are in receipt of no social welfare payments; and if he will improve the circumstances of these male house parents by granting them the same opportunity allowed to those deemed long-term unemployed in view of the many improvements in social welfare including the back-to-work allowance scheme and the education opportunity scheme which are targeting the long-term unemployed. [18152/96]

The parliamentary question of 25 June 1996 referred to by the Deputy was answered by my colleague, the Minister for Enterprise and Employment, who has responsibility for the eligibility conditions for participation in community employment. The reply to the question indicated that resources constraints ruled out the possibility of extending the eligibility categories to include those on the live register signing for "credits" only.

Participation in my Department's work supportive schemes in the case of unemployed people is also subject to certain live register requirements. These requirements are the same for men and women. In the case of the back to work allowance, unemployed people must be aged 23 years or over, have been signing the live register for at least 12 months and in receipt of a payment from my Department. As regards second chance education schemes such as the second level initiative and the third level allowance, the minimum age requirement is 21 years while the unemployed person must have been on the live register for at least six months and getting a payment from my Department.

I have no plans to vary the requirement that a person must be in receipt of a payment from the department, as the basis of the schemes is the retention of such payment while engaged in work or education.

If the Deputy has a particular person in mind I would suggest they be advised to contact their local social welfare job facilitator or their local FÁS office.