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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 10 Oct 1996

Vol. 469 No. 7

Adjournment Debate Matters.

I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 20 and the name of the member in each case: (1) Deputy F. Fitzgerald — the political situation in Myanmar and the Irish response in the context of the Presidency of the European Union; (2) Deputy Ellis — the proposals by the European Parliament's Budget Committee to reduce the Peace and Reconciliation Fund by 100 million ECU; (3) Deputy Broughan — the urgent need to take all necessary steps, including the removal of subsidies and the use of non-European Union crews, to prevent the closure of the Irish Continental Group's sea route from Rosslare to France and the consequential loss of up to 400 jobs on the northside of Dublin and in Wexford; (4) Deputy Ben Briscoe — the need to re-establish good relations between the Garda Síochána and the community in Dublin's inner city to combat the drugs problem; (5) Deputy E. Byrne — the need to establish a special task force to tackle long-term unemployment in the north and south inner city areas of Dublin; (6) Deputy O'Rourke — the threat to jobs at Irish ISPAT Limited and the situation in relation to readaptation aid for the redundant workers; (7) Deputy Killeen — the urgent need for the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry to restore the alternative enterprise grant scheme and to ensure the prompt payment of other grants; and (8) Deputies D. Ahern and O'Hanlon — the need to intervene in order to bring about a reversal of the decision by the European Parliament's Budget Committee to reduce the Peace and Reconciliation Fund.

The matters raised by Deputies F. Fitzgerald, D. Ahern and O'Hanlon, Briscoe and O'Rourke have been selected for discussion.
