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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 10 Oct 1996

Vol. 469 No. 7

Written Answers. - One-Teacher Schools.

Tony Killeen


14 Mr. Killeen asked the Minister for Education the number of one-teacher primary schools which had 20 or more pupils enrolled on 30 September 1995; and her staffing policy in relation to one-teacher schools. [18038/96]

The number of one-teacher primary schools which had 20 or more pupils on 30 September 1995 was 25. The staffing of a primary school of any particular year is determined by reference to the enrolment of the school on 30 September of the previous year. The number of teaching posts allocated to a school for any particular year is determined in accordance with the staffing schedule for that year.

In line with the current staffing schedule for primary schools, a one-teacher primary school will qualify for its first assistant's post when its enrolment on the previous 30 September reaches or exceeds 28 pupils. However, a newly-established school, which is experiencing rapid enrolment growth, can qualify for its first assistant's post from the date on which it achieves an enrolment of 33 pupils, even if the enrolment on 30 September of the previous year was less than 28.

In addition, a maximum class size guideline of 28 pupils applies to one-teacher schools which have more than four standards. A one-teacher school which is in breach of this maximum class size guideline may qualify for its first assistant's post when its enrolment reaches 28. The first assistant's post is suppressed in a school when its enrolment drops below 25.

In May of this year I indicated that two-teacher schools which were due to lose their first assistant's posts and thus become one-teacher schools would retain their posts for the 1996-97 school year. This concession was allowed for the 1996-97 school year only because of concerns expressed regarding the impact on smaller schools of the decision not to improve the staffing schedule in the current year.