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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 10 Oct 1996

Vol. 469 No. 7

Written Answers. - Middle East Peace Process.

Ray Burke


81 Mr. R. Burke asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs the extent of the practical role to be played by Ireland and the EU in bringing pressure to bear on the Israeli Government to implement the Oslo Accord. [18142/96]

Ray Burke


82 Mr. R. Burke asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs when the EU Troika will visit Israel; and the formula and agenda of the visit. [18143/96]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 81 and 82 together.

As Presidency of the EU, Ireland is leading the Union's response to the crisis in the Middle East Peace Process and, to this end, we are in continuing contact with the Israeli authorities and other parties concerned. The approach of the EU is set out in my reply to the Deputy's Question No. 11 of 2 October last.

Following the decision of the Special Meeting of the European Council in Dublin on 5 October that I should convey messages to Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Arafat, I visited the region on 6-7 October. In meetings with both leaders, I stressed the importance attached by the EU to the urgent revitalisation of the peace process. I also emphasised the EU's intention to make an enhanced commitment to the search for progress in the Middle East commensurate with the Union's economic contribution and involvement in the peace process so far. My meeting with Mr. Netanyahu was friendly and constructive and the Prime Minister clearly indicated his appreciation of the efforts of the Union in support of the peace process.

I also had a meeting on 6 October with the Israeli Foreign Minister, Mr. David Levy, my third meeting with him over the last month. These continuing contacts with the leaders of the Israeli Government, which reflect the Union's close and long-standing relationship with Israel, have enabled me to convey clearly the EU concerns on the need for restoring momentum to the peace process.