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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 12 Nov 1996

Vol. 471 No. 4

Written Answers - An Bord Altranais Restructuring.

Máire Geoghegan-Quinn


68 Mrs. Geoghegan-Quinn asked the Minister for Health the current position regarding the proposed restructuring of An Bord Altranais; whether the proposed restructuring involves a reduction of nurse representation on the board; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [20868/96]

Limerick East): As I have recently explained to the House a review of the Nurses Act, 1985, which gives An Bord Altranais its statutory basis, is currently under way. Submissions on the review of the Act were sought by the Department from interested parties. The submissions which were received recommended a number of changes to the 1985 Act and these are being considered in the context of the review. I am keenly aware of the issues relating to the representation of nurses on An Bord Altranais.

The review of the Act is now nearing completion and in finalising proposals for amendment, there will be an opportunity for further consultation with representatives of the profession on the question of representation and any other issues which may be of concern to them.
