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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 14 Nov 1996

Vol. 471 No. 6

Written Answers. - Grants for PLC Students.

Seamus Kirk


35 Mr. Kirk asked the Minister for Education if she will provide a grant scheme for students on post-leaving certificate courses; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [18994/96]

I have dealt with this important issue on a number of occasions in this House in response to Deputies' questions. To provide a maintenance grants scheme for PLC students along the lines, for example, of the third level scheme would cost in excess of £10 million per annum. I am sure the House will appreciate that a balance has to be struck between competing demands for resources in the education sector between funding for the different levels of the system, between initial and second chance education, between student supports, investment in quality assurance and special measures to combat disadvantage and under achievement.

In the case of PLC courses I consider it more important to concentrate on improving the quality of the system, through investment in national certification and assessment arrangements, in programme developments, in in-service training in a wide range of disciplines for as many students as possible. My Department will provide over £35 million this year towards the running costs of such courses, and I have abolished fees for PLC courses with effect from 1995-96. Due to overall resource constraints I am unable to provide maintenance grants for PLC students. I will, of course, keep the matter under review.
