Michael Ring
Question:157 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Health when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be called for her free dental treatment. [21638/96]
Vol. 471 No. 7
157 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Health when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be called for her free dental treatment. [21638/96]
Limerick East): As the provision of dental treatment to eligible persons in County Mayo is the statutory responsibility of the Western Health Board in the first instance I have asked the chief executive officer of the Western Health Board to investigate the position in relation to this case and to reply to the Deputy directly as a matter of urgency.
159 Cecilia Keaveney asked the Minister for Health the progress, if any, which has been made in relation to recruiting dentists for the Inishowen region of County Donegal; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [21640/96]
Limerick East): The provision of dental services in County Donegal and the filling of dental posts is the statutory responsibility of the North-Western Health Board. I have been advised by the board that with effect from 14 November 1996 there is a whole-time equivalent of one dental surgeon employed in Inishowen. This is due to the recruitment of an additional part-time dentist by the board.
The board has also made arrangements to have close on two whole-time equivalent dental surgeons in Inishowen with effect from the beginning of January 1997, as another part-time dentist has agreed to take up an appointment with the board from that date.