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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 21 Nov 1996

Vol. 471 No. 8

Written Answers. - Flood Relief Programme.

Frances Fitzgerald


59 Ms F. Fitzgerald asked the Minister for Finance when the national priority flood relief programme list will be made available; and if it will include areas along the Dodder River. [22353/96]

A firm of consultants has been commissioned to undertake an investigation into the feasibility of preparing a list, prioritising areas which suffer periodical localised flooding, which will form the basis of the next drainage-flood relief programme. The review of the various areas to be included in the list is being undertaken in consultation with local authority engineers around the country.

Pending an assessment of the flooding problems countrywide in this manner and the completion of the consultants report I cannot say precisely at this stage when the details of the priority list might be made available or to give commitments as to what particular areas, might be included on that list. I can however state that the Dodder River is being considered for possible inclusion on the list.

Noel Davern


60 Mr. Davern asked the Minister for Finance when EU funds allocated for the victims of flooding in Clonmel and Carrick-on-Suir, County Tipperary, will be paid to the people concerned. [22354/96]

The Deputy will be aware that the EU have responded positively to my application for humanitarian assistance to be provided for the victims of the flooding earlier this year in the south and south east, including Clonmel and Carrick-on-Suir, County Tipperary, and have approved some 300,000 ECUs, which will be distributed by the Irish Red Cross Society. These funds will supplement the humanitarian moneys already provided by the Government for the flooded victims and which were distributed earlier this year.

I understand that the funds are expected to be received by the Irish Red Cross Society very shortly and they advise me that they will be disbursed very quickly thereafter.