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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 21 Nov 1996

Vol. 471 No. 8

Written Answers. - Dublin Traffic Service.

Thomas P. Broughan


94 Mr. Broughan asked the Minister for Justice the number of gardaí who would be released for other duties in the event of the Dublin traffic enforcement service being transferred to Dublin Corporation. [22387/96]

I should clarify for the Deputy that the Garda authorities will continue to have powers to enforce road traffic law generally following the implementation of the Government decision to the appointment by Dublin Corporation of a director of traffic to take over responsibility from the gardaí for the traffic warden, on-the-spot fines and towaway services, to introduce wheel clamping and have overall responsibility for traffic management in Dublin.

I presume that the Minister for the Environment, in response to the Deputy's question to him today, will outline the current position about the appointment of the director of traffic.

The date for the proposed handover of the traffic services has not yet been decided. The effects of the proposed transfer of these services on Garda manpower are currently being assessed by the Garda authorities.
