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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 3 Dec 1996

Vol. 472 No. 3

Written Answers. - Report of Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

Joe Walsh


242 Mr. J. Walsh asked the Minister for Social Welfare if his attention has been drawn to a recent report by St. Vincent de Paul and the subsequent remarks by that organisation's president; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [23362/96]

I have noted with interest the various issues set out in the Society of St. Vincent De Paul's annual report. I have made tackling poverty a priority in my term as Minister for Social Welfare. I note its belief that "catering for more and better opportunities for employment calls for a more imaginative approach by all concerned". This concept in many ways embodies what it is that the Government is attempting to achieve through the development of the national anti-poverty strategy. Issues such as access to education and targeting the long-term unemployed for special attention, referred to by the society, have been identified as key themes under the strategy. In addition, a framework for more effective liaison between the voluntary and statutory sectors, something which the society describes as being urgently required, is currently being developed. I have already informed the House in this regard that it is intended to publish a Green Paper on voluntary activity very soon.
