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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 3 Dec 1996

Vol. 472 No. 3

Written Answers. - Hospital Security.

Noel Ahern


83 Mr. N. Ahern asked the Minister for Health the measures, if any, he can bring forward to ease the pressure in the casualty department of the Mater Hospital, where fights, prison escapees of Mountjoy Prison and general chaos seem normal events, in view of complaints and concerns expressed for the safety of genuine hospital patients and visitors; and if he will report on the events which took place on Sunday night 10 November where injured people were seriously inconvenienced. [23340/96]

Limerick East): I understand that on Sunday, 10 November 1996 at 19.45 hours a prisoner from Mountjoy Prison attended the accident and emergency department of the Mater Hospital. He produced a syringe and forced the prison officers to release him. He then managed to make his way out of the hospital grounds but was apprehended within minutes by the Garda.

I very much deplore this incident and I understand that the hospital is currently involved in discussions with the Department of Justice and the prison authorities with a view to examining and improving the security arrangements for the provision of hospital care to prisoners. Health boards and voluntary hospitals, including the Mater Hospital, have been putting security facilities in place over the last number of years. These initiatives have been supported by my Department and security arrangements in hospitals will continue to be reviewed in the light of prevailing circumstances.
