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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 5 Dec 1996

Vol. 472 No. 5

Written Answers. - Youghal (Cork) Schools.

Helen Keogh


64 Ms Keogh asked the Minister for Education the reason incorrect information was given in response to Questions Nos. 162, 163 and 164 on 9 October 1996, in relation to the purchase of CBS property and the statement that the Chief State Solicitor is Currently awaiting clarification from the vendor's solicitor on an aspect of the contract; if she is in receipt of a letter from the relevant solicitors; and if her attention has been drawn to the fact that they are at variance with the information given in reply to such questions. [23558/96]

My reply to the parliamentary question relating to the acquisition of the CBS building was based on a letter dated 1 October 1996 from the Chief State Solicitor's office to my Department's planning and building unit.

From my Department's further contact with the Chief State Solicitor's office, I am now aware that the vendor's solicitor had provided the clarification required and I regret that inaccurate information was inadvertently furnished in my reply. I am aware that the Chief State Solicitor's office has since written to the vendor's solicitor explaining how the misunderstanding arose.

I have not received any correspondence from the vendor's solicitor, although I am aware of a letter to the office of the Chief State Solicitor in the matter.
