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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 30 Sep 1997

Vol. 480 No. 6

Adjournment Debate Matters.

I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 21 and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Deasy — the need to provide financial assistance to grain farmers in southern parts of the country who have suffered huge losses due to unprecedented rainfall; (2) Deputy Ring — the need for the Minister to confirm that a person in County Mayo (details supplied) is receiving full entitlements to child benefit and lone parent's allowance given that a court order gave her custody of three of her children and to confirm if an overpayment occurred; (3) Deputy Hayes — the need to outline the policy of Government concerning the extension of the early start pre-school programme and the need for St. Brigid's national school in Brookfield, Tallaght to be included in the next phase of this programme; (4) Deputy Kirk — the need to reconsider a recently introduced practice by the Revenue Commissioners where a farmer is liable to be charged interest at the rate of 18.75 per cent unless 90 per cent of his final tax liability at 31 March 1998 is paid by October 1997; (5) Deputy McManus — the continuing industrial dispute at the National Museum and the need for action to seek a settlement; (6) Deputy Allen — the need to prevent the closure of Sea Ray, Little Island, County Cork in mid October in view of the possible loss of 100 jobs; (7) Deputy Shatter — the risk to the Luas project resulting from recent Government decisions; (8) Deputy Jim Higgins — the urgent need to approve a new Garda station to replace the existing station at Claremorris, County Mayo; (9) Deputy Rabbitte — the serious delays in the commencement of the Luas light rail project and the urgent need for the Government to take steps to expedite the project; (10) Deputy Kenny — the action being taken to settle the dispute involving members of the IMPACT union which has resulted in non co-operation for future development of the National Museum at Collins Barracks.

The matters raised by Deputies Allen, Rabbitte, Kenny and Hayes have been selected for discussion.
