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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 7 Oct 1997

Vol. 481 No. 1

Written Answers. - Rural Environmental Protection Scheme.

Ulick Burke


134 Mr. U. Burke asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food his views on whether a more common-sense approach to the REP scheme would be worthwhile; and whether fines have been applied where turf banks on open bogs were not fenced and where stock could come into physical contact even though there was a stock proof-fence between them, and where rules from the new specifications were applied to participants who applied under the old specifications. [15674/97]

The REP scheme specifications are applied in a common-sense approach throughout the country. The REP scheme specifications are very detailed and spell out how the measures in the scheme are to be applied.

The vast majority of farmers have no difficulty with the interpretation of the specifications. For those who have problems, my Department operates a comprehensive appeals system which provides farmers with a means of having their case reviewed. The appeals system allows for the examination of all aspects of the REPS plan, including the interpretation of the Department's inspectors. The appeals system is the guarantor of consistency in the interpretation of the specifications throughout the country.

Where raised bog forms part of a holding, fencing of external boundaries to the bog area is not required where its location is such that livestock from the holding will not enter the area. The farmer is required to fence any boundary between the land being farmed and the bog area. Fines are applied where livestock are found to have gained access to habitats such as turf banks on open bogs.
The new agri-environmental specifications apply to all plans prepared from the date of their introduction. In relation to plans prepared under the old specifications, these continue to apply except where the participant has had his plan revised to comply with the new specifications.