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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 7 Oct 1997

Vol. 481 No. 1

Written Answers. - Education of Visually Impaired.

Olivia Mitchell


243 Ms O. Mitchell asked the Minister for Education and Science the steps, if any, he will take to provide for the education of visually impaired girls following the closure of St Mary's school, Merrion Road, Dublin 6; if he will ensure that the bank of specialist skills and experience built up over many years at St Mary's is not lost for those for whom integrated education is not a suitable option; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [15369/97]

: Officials of my Department are in ongoing contact with the board of management of the school in question and with the parents' representatives to ensure that the needs of the pupils continue to be met. I should point out, however, that my Department has not received any formal notification of closure from the board of management of the school.

I can assure the Deputy that, should a decision be taken to close St. Mary's school, all necessary steps will be taken to ensure that suitable alternative educational arrangements are made for the pupils affected.
