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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 7 Oct 1997

Vol. 481 No. 1

Written Answers. - Ministerial Appointments.

Ivor Callely


56 Mr. Callely asked the Taoiseach if he will issue a full list of names of all appointments and the State organisation to which the appointments were made in relation to each appointment made to bodies under the aegis of his Department during the months of May and June 1997; the period of the appointment; and the date on which the next appointments will be made for each body. [15382/97]

Mary Hanafin


59 Ms Hanafin asked the Taoiseach the number of appointments made to boards or bodies under the aegis of his Department between 1 May 1997 and 26 June 1997; the names of the appointees; the boards to which they were appointed; and the number of board vacancies which remained vacant after 26 June, but which could have been filled prior to 26 June. [15563/97]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 56 and 59 together.

The information sought by Deputies Callely and Hanafin in respect of appointments to bodies under the aegis of my Department during the months of May and June 1997 is as follows:

1. Information Society Commission

The Government appointed the membership of the Information Society Commission on 9 May as follows:

Ms Vivienne Jupp, Andersen Consulting.
Ms Selina Bonnie, Communications Consultant (special brief on disability).
Ms Paula Carey, ICTU.
Mr. Donal Connell, 3 COM.
Mr. Sean Corkery, AST Ireland Ltd.
Dr. Éamon G. Hall, Chief Legal Officer, Telecom Éireann.
Mr. Paul Kavanagh, Stream International
Mr. Dermot McCarthy, Assistant Secretary, Department of the Taoiseach.
Mr. Eugene Murray, RTE.
Mr. Séamus O'Canainn, Blackrock Education Centre.
Ms Barbara Patton, Marketing Manager, Irish Permanent plc.
Norman Wilkinson was appointed as Director of the Information Society Commission from 1 September 1997.
The commission was appointed on a three year basis. Its existence beyond that time will be a matter for Government decision. The commission was established on a non-statutory basis and the size of its membership is not set, therefore no vacancies exist, or have existed, as such.
2. The National Centre for Partnership
The announcement by the Government of the following appointments to the board of the National Centre for Partnership, was made on 13 May 1997.
Evelyn Owens (Chairperson).
Peter Cassells, ICTU.
John Dunne, IBEC.
John Hurley, Department of Finance.
Paul Haran, Department of Enterprise and Employment.
Mary Doyle, Department of the Taoiseach.
The first meeting of the board of the centre, which will operate in the first instance for the period of Partnership 2000, was held on 24 September 1997.
The appointment to the centre of two full time senior executives was also announced on 13 May:
John O'Dowd, General Secretary, CPSU.
Gerry Grogan, former President, IBEC.
These appointments were taken up by Mr. O'Dowd on 5 August 1997 and Mr. Grogan on 1 September 1997. The period of employment will last for the duration of Partnership 2000.