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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 7 Oct 1997

Vol. 481 No. 1

Written Answers. - Ministerial Appointments.

Ivor Callely


67 Mr. Callely asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources if he will issue a full list of names of all appointments and the State organisation to which the appointments were made in relation to each appointment made to bodies under the aegis of his Department during the months of May and June 1997; the period of the appointment; and the date on which the next appointments will be made for each body. [15384/97]

Mary Hanafin


70 Ms Hanafin asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources the number of appointments made to boards or bodies under the aegis of his Department between 1 May 1997 and 26 June 1997; the names of the appointees; the boards to which they were appointed; and the number of board vacancies which remained vacant after 26 June, but which could have been filled prior to 26 June. [15562/97]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 67 and 70 together.

The appointments which my predecessor as Minister for the Marine made during the months of May and June 1997 to boards operating under the aegis of the Department of the Marine are set out as follows:

Mr. Pat Ridge was appointed by my predecessor as the new chairman of Bord Iascaigh Mhara on 19 June 1997. In the normal course of events that post will fall to be filled again on 23 April 2000. The next appointments to be made to the board will arise when the terms of office of three board members end on 23 April 1998.
Mr. Frank O'Donnell was offered appointment to the Northern Regional Fisheries Board by my predecessor on 24 June 1997. His appointment was not commenced until the date on which he accepted the appointment which was 4 July 1997.
Following the resignation of the Electricity Supply Board's representative on the Shannon Regional Fisheries Board on 1 June 1997, the ESB nominated Mr. Gerry Gough for the vacant position and he was formally appointed to the board by my predecessor on 16 July 1997. Mr. Declan Turnbull was offered appointment to the North-Western Regional Fisheries Board by my predecessor on 24 June 1997. His appointment was not commenced until the date on which he accepted the appointment which was 30 June 1997. Ministerial appointments to the fisheries boards — apart from casual vacancies — fall due at the time of elections to the boards. I am currently reviewing the date on which these elections will be held.
Mr. Tom O'Reilly was appointed as a director to Drogheda Port Company for a five year period by my predecessor with effect from 23 June 1997. Mr. Patrick O'Sullivan was appointed by my predecessor as a director to Galway Port Company for a five year period with effect from 23 June 1997.
The question of appointing or reappointing directors to these port companies, except in the case of casual vacancies, will next arise in March 2002.