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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 7 Oct 1997

Vol. 481 No. 1

Written Answers. - Ministerial Appointments.

Ivor Callely


80 Mr. Callely asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will issue a full list of names of all appointments and the State organisation to which the appointments were made in relation to each appointment made to bodies under the aegis of his Department during the months of May and June 1997; the period of the appointment; and the date on which the next appointments will be made for each body. [15385/97]

Mary Hanafin


82 Ms Hanafin asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs the number of appointments made to boards or bodies under the aegis of his Department between 1 May 1997 and 26 June 1997; the names of the appointees; the boards to which they were appointed; and the number of board vacancies which remained vacant after 26 June, but which could have been filled prior to 26 June. [15568/97]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 80 and 82 together.

There are six State boards/agencies which came under the aegis of the Minister for Foreign Affairs during the period in question. These are:

—Agency for Personnel Service Overseas (APSO)

—Cultural Relations Committee (CRC)

—Irish Aid Advisory Committee (IAAC)

—The National Committee for Development Education (NCDE)

—The Refugee Agency, and
—Joint Department of Foreign Affairs/NGO Standing Committee on Human Rights.
No appointments were made to any of the first five bodies listed above during May or June 1997. Only one vacancy existed — in the NCDE — which remained vacant after 26 June 1997 and which could have been filled prior to that date. I propose to fill this position when I appoint a new board this month.
In the normal course the dates on which the next appointments will be made to these bodies will be as follows:
Agency for Personal Services Overseas
One appointment in 1998, three in 1999, one in 2000, three in 2001 and one in 2003;
Cultural Relations Committee
the committee is due for appointment in January 1998;
Irish Aid Advisory Committee
the committee is appointed in November each year; and
Refugee Agency
the board is due for appointment in November 1997.
The remaining body, the Joint Department of Foreign Affairs/NGO Standing Committee on Human Rights was established in June 1997 and all its members — details below — were appointed by my predecessor for a two year term from 11 June 1997.

Joint Department of Foreign Affairs/NGO Standing Committee on Human Rights.

Reverend Michael Begg

Christian Aid Ireland

Mr. Jerome Connolly

Irish Commission for Justice and Peace

Mr. Howard Dalzell

Concern Worldwide

Mr. Michael Farrell

Irish Council for Civil Liberties

Mr. Kevin Kelly

Dó chas

Ms Karen Kenny

Independent Consultant

Ms Mary Lawlor

Amnesty International Irish Section

Ms Maura Leen


Ms Mary McEvoy


Mr. John O'Shea


Dr. Gerard Quinn

(Law Reform Commission), Independent Consultant

Ms Maura Quinn

Irish National Committee for UNICEF

Ms Niamh Reilly

Independent Consultant

Ms Mary Van Lieshout

Oxfam in Ireland

Professor William Duncan, Professor of Law and Jurisprudence, Trinity College, Dublin, was also appointed in an independent capacity but resigned for personal reasons on 30 August 1997. The vacancy created by his resignation will be filled by me in due course. It is intended that one additional place on the committee will be filled in due course on a rotational basis by the solidarity groups.