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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 8 Oct 1997

Vol. 481 No. 2

Written Answers. - Garda Investigations.

Nora Owen


137 Mrs. Owen asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the date on which a parliamentary question (details supplied) was answered; and the follow-up, if any, there was by the Garda on the issue raised in the parliamentary question. [15841/97]

I take it that the Deputy is referring to Parliamentary Question No. 151 of 28 June 1995 in response to which the then Minister for Justice stated that she had requested a detailed report from the Garda authorities in the matter and that she would communicate with the Deputy — who tabled the question — when the report was to hand. The Minister subsequently wrote to the Deputy when she had received a Garda report. The matter was also the subject of parliamentary questions tabled by the Deputy on 2 May 1996 (No. 67) and 19 June 1996 (No. 39). As can be seen from the answers to the various parliamentary questions tabled, the Garda authorities, having investigated the matter, have found no basis for a criminal prosecution. Further correspondence received since in this matter has been referred to the Garda Síochána where it is receiving appropriate attention.
