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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 18 Nov 1997

Vol. 482 No. 8

Written Answers. - Grant Payments.

Enda Kenny


101 Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the reason his Department has been unable to pay thousands of headage claims due to an inability to process area aid applications in Dublin; the instructions, if any, he has issued to his Department to rectify this matter; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19329/97]

Under the integrated administration and control system introduced by the EU in the context of the various CAP compensation payments, each member state is required from 1 January 1997 to have in place a computerised land parcel identification system (LPIS). The LPIS requires what is effectively a 100 per cent computerised check on all land parcels submitted by farmers on the area aid declarations. This ensures that farmers are not overclaiming on individual parcels of land or that two or more farmers are not claiming on the same land parcel.

Under the area aid scheme for 1997 close to 135,000 applications were received in my Department. Some 50,000 were returned with changes from 1996 which required digitising on the LPIS database. In addition several more thousand involved various errors and omissions. A very significant level of processing has already been completed by my Department. Every effort is being made to clear the maximum number of outstanding area aid applications by the end of this month so that payments can be completed in most cases within two to three weeks.

Michael Ring


102 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be paid his 1997 cattle and sheep headage. [19330/97]

As 1997 is the first year in which the land parcel identification system required by the EU has to be fully operational, all digitising must be completed before 1997 cattle and sheep headage can be paid.

Every effort is being made to clear the maximum number of area aid applications by the end of this month so that payment can be made in this and other similar cases during the next two to three weeks.

Michael Ring


103 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be paid his 1997 cattle and sheep headage. [19332/97]

The person named submitted an area aid application for 1997 with a declared forage area of 53.11 hectares covering 12 plots. The area claimed has now been fully digitised and validated for area against orthophoto mapping. Outstanding payments will issue shortly.

Michael Ring


104 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be paid his 1997 cattle and sheep headage. [19335/97]

The person named submitted an area aid application for 1997 with a declared forage area of 116.17 hectares covering four parcels. The area claimed has now been fully digitised and validated for area against orthophoto mapping. Outstanding payments will issue shortly.
