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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 4 Feb 1998

Vol. 486 No. 4

Written Answers. - Social Welfare Policy.

Trevor Sargent


111 Mr. Sargent asked the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs if his Department is examining the welfare to work programme being currently undertaken by the British Government; and the consideration, if any, which is being given to alter Irish social welfare policy in a similiar fashion. [2907/98]

My Department seeks to keep up to date with the development of social policy in other countries and, in that context, has reviewed the welfare to work programme being implemented in the UK. A central element of this programme is the new deal which is aimed at people aged between 18 and 24 and at the long-term unemployed. It includes provision for intensive job counselling and advice and access to basic skills training, and where subsequently required, subsidised placements with employers, placements with the UK Government's Environment Taskforce and with voluntary organisations, and access to education and training. The scale of this intervention can be seen by the projected cost of up to ST£3.5 billion, which is to be funded from the windfall levy on the privatised utilities.

It is notable that many features of the new deal are already to be found in the Irish system. The revamped back-to-education programme, the back to work allowance scheme and the PRSI exemption scheme, are examples of measures which have been designed to ease the transition from unemployment into employment. Furthermore, schemes under the aegis of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, such as community employment and jobstart are similar to some of the job placement aspects of the UK new deal.

My Department will follow with interest the progress of the UK programme. I should mention that Irish policy in this area in the near future will be guided in particular by the recently adopted EU guidelines on employment. The aim of the guidelines is to ensure that economic recovery is accompanied by a sustained high level of job creation and a stable macroeconomic environment.
