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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 11 Feb 1998

Vol. 487 No. 1

Written Answers. - Special Olympics.

Derek McDowell


50 Mr. McDowell asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation the current status of Ireland's bid to host the Special Olympics in 2003; the steps, if any, his Department has taken to actively encourage commercial and corporate bodies to provide financial backing to Ireland's bid; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3313/98]

Following the Government's decision in November 1997 to provide grant assistance up to a maximum of £5 million towards the cost of implementing Ireland's bid for the Special Olympics World Summer Games in 2003, a formal bid was submitted by the organisers, Special Olympics Ireland, to the official governing body, Special Olympics International. I understand that a decision on the bid is not expected before May next.

If the bid is successful, responsibility for raising the balance of the £16 million bill for the games will rest with the organisers. I understand that some companies have already pledged financial support for the project and I have already urged the Irish business community in general, in the strongest possible terms, to consider coming forward as sponsors in order to build on existing sponsorship commitment and to secure the success of the project. I now take the opportunity to do so again in this House. This project would be a significant capture for this country and it undoubtedly offers potential for the kind of good commercial profile that goes with any major international event as well as enhancing the tourism potential of the country. I assure the House that I will continue do to my best to encourage the widest possible commercial interest in this project in the future.
