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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 11 Feb 1998

Vol. 487 No. 1

Written Answers. - Hospital Waiting Lists.

Michael Ring


106 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Health and Children when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be called for her hip replacement operation in view of the fact she is in constant pain. [3573/98]

Michael Ring


107 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Health and Children when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be called for surgery to alleviate the rheumatoid arthritis in her joints in view of the fact she is in constant pain. [3576/98]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 106 and 107 together.

The provision of medical treatment for eligible persons, in this instance, is the statutory responsibility of the Western Health Board and the North-Western Health Board. I have asked the chief executive officers of these boards to investigate the position in relation to this case and to reply to the Deputy directly.
