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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 24 Feb 1998

Vol. 487 No. 6

Written Answers - Cancer Incidence.

Billy Kelleher


209 Mr. Kelleher asked the Minister for Health and Children if he will provide a detailed geographical breakdown of the statistical data available to him regarding the various forms of cancer; if he will provide details of the prevalence among the population in Cork city and county; and if he is satisfied the present data collection on cancer in Ireland is comparable to other European countries. [4907/98]

Detailed data on cancer incidence and mortality at county level are published by the National Cancer Registry. The most recent report refers to 1994, and my Department has asked the National Cancer Registry to forward a copy of this report to the Deputy. Detailed information on cancer mortality is also available in the annual and quarterly reports on vital statistics, and cancer morbidity data, based on hospital discharge diagnoses, is collected in the hospital in-patient inquiry. I am satisfied that the systems currently in place for the collection of statistics on cancer compare favourably with other European countries.
