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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 25 Jun 1998

Vol. 493 No. 2

Written Answers. - Rural Environment Protection Scheme.

Michael Ring


132 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the amount of payment an applicant will receive when joining the organic REP scheme; if the payment has been removed; and, if so, the proposals, if any, he has for an organic REP scheme. [15580/98]

The amounts payable to participants in REPS who undertake the organic supplementary measure are as follows:

applicants with more than three hectares of utilisable agricultural area in conversion status: 150 ECU per ha. for a maximum of 40 hectares and full organic status and 75 ECU per ha. for a maximum of 40 hectares;

applicants farming less than three hectares with at least 1.0 ha. under fruit or vegetables; in conversion status: 200 ECU per ha. up to a maximum of three hectares and full organic status; and 100 ECU per ha. up to a maximum of three hectares.

Payments under this supplementary measure are paid subsequent to the applicant's recording year. Commonage land is not eligible for these payments.
