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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 30 Jun 1998

Vol. 493 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Priority Questions. - National Irish Bank Investigation.

Thomas P. Broughan


2 Mr. Broughan asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the reason she decided to petition the High Court to extend her investigation into National Irish Bank; and when she will be in a position to send files to the Director of Public Prosecutions in this regard. [16305/98]

On 4 June 1998, I received an interim report from Mr. Martin Cosgrove, the authorised officer who was appointed on 23 March last under section 59 of the Insurance Act, 1989, to investigate possible breaches of insurance legislation in relation to National Irish Bank Ltd. and its associated companies.

Having taken legal advice on Mr. Cosgrove's interim report, I have in recent weeks furnished copies to the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Inspectors to National Irish Bank Ltd. and the Revenue Commissioners for their consideration.

As a result of information contained in Mr. Cosgrove's interim report, I determined that it was both necessary and appropriate to seek the appointment of a High Court inspector to examine the affairs of National Irish Bank Financial Services Ltd.

The High Court granted my petition on 15 June and the remit of the inspectors to National Irish Bank Ltd. now extends to its associated company. As a result of this decision, Mr. Cosgrove's investigation is now being suspended.

I assume that we cannot ask any questions on that?

No, it is not in order.

The House should note that Democratic Left and Labour Deputies have left the Chamber.

They may not have realised that Taoiseach's questions have all been dropped.

They had many questions last week.
