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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 6 Oct 1998

Vol. 494 No. 4

Written Answers. - Grant Payments.

Ivan Yates


162 Mr. Yates asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the situation in relation to the arable aid eligibility of a person (details supplied) in County Wexford; and if he will ensure that the net amount of eligible land, when the appropriate adjustments are made, will be paid in view of the fact that it was a genuine map error. [18335/98]

The person named was the subject of an inspection in respect of his 1998 area aid application. As a result of the findings of the inspector, he has been excluded from the 1998 arable aid scheme. The person named has been informed of the decision and if he wishes to have the decision reviewed, he should write to the district inspector with any new evidence he wishes to present.

Ivan Yates


163 Mr. Yates asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if headage payments in relation to beef cows will issue to a person (details supplied) in County Wexford; if he will clarify the appeal procedure in relation to a dispute between the applicant and his Department in relation to the definition of dairy breeds; and if the residual agreed animals, that is, beef breeds, will be paid to the applicant. [18336/98]

Under the 1998 cattle headage-beef cow schemes, friesian cows and other non-beef breeds are no longer eligible for the high rate of £84-£75 per cow. While non-beef breed cows are however eligible for the low rate of cattle headage grant which is £40-£33 per cow in the more severely handicapped areas, they are not eligible for any grant under the 1998 beef cow scheme in the less severely handicapped areas.

The person named applied on 24 cows under the 1998 beef cow scheme. At an inspection carried out on 6 August 1998, 23 cows were found to be non-beef breeds and consequently are ineligible for any grant under that scheme. In accordance with clause 6 of the terms and conditions governing the 1998 beef cow scheme, which defines a "beef cow" as a cow which belongs to a meat breed or is born of a cross with a meat breed, and clause 29 of the terms and conditions which states that a producer who is deemed to have made a false declaration in his application through serious negligence will be excluded from the 1998 beef cow scheme, no grants are payable to the person named.

Liam Aylward


164 Mr. Aylward asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the reason for the delay in having a 1996 suckler cow payment issued to a person (details supplied) in County Kilkenny. [18337/98]

The person named applied for suckler cow premium on 14 animals on 27 May 1996. He established a suckler cow premium entitlement of £1,963.22 on these cows and this has already been paid to him less a deduction of £102.64 which was part of an overpayment under the 1996 BSE top-up on male animals. The overpayment was due to the reduction in the number of animals eligible under the 1996 special beef premium scheme compared to the 1995 scheme.
