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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 8 Dec 1998

Vol. 498 No. 1

Written Answers. - Health Board Funding.

Dan Neville


233 Mr. Neville asked the Minister for Health and Children if he will provide funding for the Mid-Western Health Board to provide an awareness trainer and assistant to raise issues of concern to wheelchair users. [26333/98]

I am aware that the Mid-Western Health Board, in consultation with the co-ordinating committee for physical and sensory disabilities and in co-operation with two voluntary agencies providing services in the sector, has provided disability awareness training for its front line staff and has supported awareness training in respect of persons with aural disabilities. Additional revenue funding has been made available in the budget for 1999 for the development of services in this sector. The development of a service, such as the one outlined by the Deputy, is a matter for the board in consultation with the co-ordination committee having regard to available funding.
